5 Daily Habits for a Healthy + Positive Mindset

On this beautiful spring day, I wanted to share a few thoughts on how to stay positive and grounded. As a kinesiologist, I’m always trying to ensure my clients take care of not only their physical health, but their mental health too. I think it’s important to remember that everyone we meet is fighting theirContinue reading “5 Daily Habits for a Healthy + Positive Mindset”

Natural Remedies to Recharge Your Immune System

Summer is slowly coming to an end, and as much as we don’t want to admit it, the colder weather will be here sooner than we know it. While we will soon be pulling out our cozy sweaters and fall boots, sipping on warm teas and hearty soups, let’s not forget to make sure ourContinue reading “Natural Remedies to Recharge Your Immune System”

Positive Mental Health

Mental health is an increasingly important topic in today’s society, especially in relation to practicing and maintaining positive mental health. In recent years, there has been a surge in the abundance of resources and education around positive thinking, mindfulness, and healthy self-care practices. However, did you know that the study of positive mental health hasContinue reading “Positive Mental Health”

Mindfulness for Kids

Mindfulness practice is becoming widely popular among individuals wanting to improve the way they think, approach problems, manage stress, and increase focus and creativity. Through research, it has been shown to improve the outcomes and manageability of various health conditions such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, psoriasis, immune disorders, inflammatory issues, in addition to anxiety,Continue reading “Mindfulness for Kids”