27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing

A few of the most important ways to maintain good mental and physical health include taking care of yourself and your relationships, being active in your community, spending time in nature, feeling a sense of purpose, along with making time for things you enjoy! I put together a list of 27 different wellness activities thatContinue reading “27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing”

Mindfulness for Kids

Mindfulness practice is becoming widely popular among individuals wanting to improve the way they think, approach problems, manage stress, and increase focus and creativity. Through research, it has been shown to improve the outcomes and manageability of various health conditions such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, psoriasis, immune disorders, inflammatory issues, in addition to anxiety,Continue reading “Mindfulness for Kids”

Emotion-Focused Coping

Have you ever felt the need to hide your emotions? Or you blame yourself for becoming too emotional? When we think about regulating our emotions, what often comes to mind is suppressing the “bad” ones and trying to feel the “good” ones. What we’re left with is a negative sense of self along with emotionalContinue reading “Emotion-Focused Coping”

Coping with Stress and Avoiding Burnout

Today’s blog post is written by a featured guest, Ryan McBurney: The phenomenon of ‘burnout’ is a psychological syndrome that results in mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that deteriorates your work productivity and performance. Burnout is a consequence of a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. Now, with that said, I amContinue reading “Coping with Stress and Avoiding Burnout”