5 Daily Habits for a Healthy + Positive Mindset

On this beautiful spring day, I wanted to share a few thoughts on how to stay positive and grounded. As a kinesiologist, I’m always trying to ensure my clients take care of not only their physical health, but their mental health too. I think it’s important to remember that everyone we meet is fighting theirContinue reading “5 Daily Habits for a Healthy + Positive Mindset”

The Healing Power of Physical Activity

You have likely heard it many times before: the importance of being physically active for overall health and wellness. As a kinesiologist by profession, I help individuals on a daily basis by using exercise as treatment for physical concerns, and as therapy to improve various chronic health conditions. However, what many people don’t realize isContinue reading “The Healing Power of Physical Activity”

27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing

A few of the most important ways to maintain good mental and physical health include taking care of yourself and your relationships, being active in your community, spending time in nature, feeling a sense of purpose, along with making time for things you enjoy! I put together a list of 27 different wellness activities thatContinue reading “27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing”

The Strength in You

Sometimes it’s hard to recognize and observe our strengths at the same level we recognize and observe our weaknesses. Yet, balance is necessary in order for us to fully appreciate our lives. Perhaps for a long time, our mindset has been accustomed to more easily seeing and judging our own weaknesses. Although we may notContinue reading “The Strength in You”

Positive Mental Health

Mental health is an increasingly important topic in today’s society, especially in relation to practicing and maintaining positive mental health. In recent years, there has been a surge in the abundance of resources and education around positive thinking, mindfulness, and healthy self-care practices. However, did you know that the study of positive mental health hasContinue reading “Positive Mental Health”

Become the Best YOU Possible

How often do you hear people say: “I don’t have time for self-care”, “I’m too busy with my job or my family”, “I’m too tired to do that”. These phrases have become widely normalized and accepted frames of thought in our present society. People try to manage everything in their lives the best they canContinue reading “Become the Best YOU Possible”

Live and Breathe Positivity

It’s no doubt that we all desire to radiate positivity. Encompassing the trait of positivity, in my opinion, is one of the most virtuous and exemplary characteristics one can have. It often signifies good naturedness, friendliness, health in the mind and body, resilience and self-confidence. Being positive is also linked to experiencing greater happiness andContinue reading “Live and Breathe Positivity”

Coping with Stress and Avoiding Burnout

Today’s blog post is written by a featured guest, Ryan McBurney: The phenomenon of ‘burnout’ is a psychological syndrome that results in mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that deteriorates your work productivity and performance. Burnout is a consequence of a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. Now, with that said, I amContinue reading “Coping with Stress and Avoiding Burnout”