Shift Your Mindset For Happiness and Success

Have you been feeling stuck lately? Feeling unmotivated or uninspired? It’s actually perfectly normal to feel this way from time to time. We can’t always function at 100%, have an abundance of enthusiasm, a constant flow of creative ideas, or an unwavering work ethic. When the momentum of the New Year starts to fade andContinue reading “Shift Your Mindset For Happiness and Success”

27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing

A few of the most important ways to maintain good mental and physical health include taking care of yourself and your relationships, being active in your community, spending time in nature, feeling a sense of purpose, along with making time for things you enjoy! I put together a list of 27 different wellness activities thatContinue reading “27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing”

Live and Breathe Positivity

It’s no doubt that we all desire to radiate positivity. Encompassing the trait of positivity, in my opinion, is one of the most virtuous and exemplary characteristics one can have. It often signifies good naturedness, friendliness, health in the mind and body, resilience and self-confidence. Being positive is also linked to experiencing greater happiness andContinue reading “Live and Breathe Positivity”