5 Daily Habits for a Healthy + Positive Mindset

On this beautiful spring day, I wanted to share a few thoughts on how to stay positive and grounded. As a kinesiologist, I’m always trying to ensure my clients take care of not only their physical health, but their mental health too. I think it’s important to remember that everyone we meet is fighting their own daily battles…you never know what someone is dealing with in their life! And everyone handles struggles differently. We need more kindness towards each other.

People often ask me tips on staying positive, so here are some of my favourite ways!

#1. Journal things that are on your mind

Journaling daily has been shown to help maintain a healthy mindset! Before you start your day, write down what you’re currently working on, what you’re excited about, what you’re grateful for, and what you need to get done. Getting your thoughts out of your head and visually seeing them on paper will help you stay organized and start the day fresh!

#2. Review your goals

It is good practice to review your goals daily so that you can prioritize what you need to do, and motivate yourself to do what’s most important!

#3. Time-block your schedule

Planning out your day the night before saves you much needed time and energy. Schedule tasks in time blocks so that you know what to do and when it needs to get done!

#4. Mindset check-in

It’s one thing to start the day with a positive mindset, feeling happy and ready to conquer the day, but it’s also important to check in with yourself mentally throughout the day as well! Take a few moments during your day to reflect and realize how you’re feeling. This practice helps to remain present and stay focused.

#5. Meditation

I love meditation! It’s so important to help increase your self-awareness and patience throughout the day. I like to start my mornings with a simple meditation, even if it’s just 5 minutes!

Let me know if you’ve found these helpful!

The Benefits of Wild Mint

Don’t you just love the smell of peppermint this time of year? From peppermint tea, to candles, to essential oils…it’s so festive, and surprisingly, this herb comes with many health benefits too! Peppermint is a plant of the mint family, similar to the mint you might grow in your garden and add to iced tea or lemonade in the summer months. While today we’ll be diving into wild mint, know that peppermint has many of these same properties, although with a stronger aromatic scent.

Wild mint naturally grows across Canada, as you can find it in growing in meadows, riverbanks, and lakeshores. It is best gathered during the summer, and when stored properly, keeps its strong scent and flavour. Its aroma is quite refreshing and has a subtle earth-like smell and flavour. Mint is most commonly used for tea and spice, but may also be used in many other ways such as in a mint-infused hydrosol spray (so refreshing!) or mixed with witch hazel to make an all-natural deoderant.

You’ll notice wild mint has cooling properties, and therefore promote healing through anti-inflammatory effects. Mint is also known to be a mild local anesthetic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, a digestive, a stimulant, and anti-rheumatic. It contains vitamins A, C, K, iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Drinking mint tea can help ease digestion, gas, heartburn, and ulcers, while also relieving cramps and nausea. With regards to cardiovascular health, it is a vasodilator, meaning it can stimulate enhanced circulation and may help reduce heart palpitations. Mint is also great for relieving the symptoms of a cold or flu by reducing excess mucus and helping to lower fevers. Tip: you can use a cold mint tea bag as a compress to help reduce fevers, reduce inflammation for itchy dry skin like eczema, and to help reduce joint pain from arthritis. Note that mint is not a relaxant, it in fact has a stimulating effect, so drinking it in the morning may help to clear a tired mind and may also help prevent headaches!

Wild mint can also be added to foods. A few fun ideas include:

  • Wild mint ice cubes. Place a mint leaf in cold water and freeze. Adding these ice cubes into drinks will be so refreshing! Use it to make iced teas, or try adding it to the bottom of home-made popsicles for a fun (and healthy!) twist.
  • Add fresh or dried mint to fruit salads.
  • Try adding mint to hummus for a fresh take on this savoury dish.
  • Mint jelly. If you’re familiar with making jam or jelly, why not try making it from mint? It tastes great on crackers with goat cheese, or can be added to icecream as well.
  • Wild mint liqueur. Add a flavourful spin to your home-made drinks.

As an essential oil, mint claims to clear excess mind clutter that can cloud our judgement. Today, we live in a world with much electromagnetic pollution that affects our minds, so mint essence helps us to rebalance, be clear, and focused. The scent is also thought to be restorative, and aids with memory and concentration. It is wonderful added to facial steams, facial masks, foot soaks, creams, soaps, and as a facial tonic to help clear acne as well!

Note: please make sure to consult your naturopath or medical doctor prior to taking mint to ensure it is right for you.

If you decide to try wild mint, let me know how you used it in the comments below!

The Benefits of Wild Chamomile

While many of us enjoy sipping chamomile tea, you probably aren’t aware of the many useful benefits of this herb! I love drinking chamomile for its soothing and calming effects, especially on a cold winter night, but I was surprised to learn about its many other amazing properties. Being a health and mindfulness enthusiast, I knew I had to share this information here too…

This fragrant herb is actually a weed, growing here in North America along pathways, garden edges, and roadsides. Though chamomile is often made into a tea, the flower heads can in fact be eaten raw, added into salads, smoothies, cakes, and muffin recipes to name a few. It contains vitamins A, C, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

As mentioned before, drinking chamomile soothes the nervous system and acts as a mild sedative, making it perfect to drink before bed to help you get a restful night sleep. The fragrance itself is quite calming and can help with sleep by allowing you to fall asleep faster, it can also help with stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Interestingly, Steve Johnson author of “The Essence of Healing”, claims chamomile’s essence can be used “when we feel a lack of harmony with our physical environment or with nature”. He indicates the essence helps us maintain a calm awareness of ourselves and our surroundings, and promotes harmony between humans and the Earth. Many people use chamomile as an infused oil, or in a foot soak or facial steam as aromatherapy.

Wild chamomile is also useful in aiding with digestion, heart burn, nausea, stomach aches and cramping. Externally, it works well as an anti-inflammatory for a wound, for achy sore muscles and joints, and even for arthritis, as it has some mild pain-relieving properties too. If your skin tends to get dry, itchy or irritated, a warm bath with chamomile in it can begin to soothe and calm the skin. This time of year, chamomile can be taken to help with colds, flus, and sore throats.

Hopefully this has inspired you to think deeper about all the wonderful benefits of this fragrant herb, and perhaps to appreciate your favourite cup of tea a little more.

Note: please make sure to consult your naturopath or medical doctor prior to taking chamomile to ensure it is right for you.

The Healing Power of Physical Activity

You have likely heard it many times before: the importance of being physically active for overall health and wellness. As a kinesiologist by profession, I help individuals on a daily basis by using exercise as treatment for physical concerns, and as therapy to improve various chronic health conditions. However, what many people don’t realize is that kinesiologists can also offer strategies for those struggling with mental health, including opportunities to lead a more active lifestyle and benefit from being physically active. Staying active is so important in these times of mental stress and anxiety brought on by the COVID pandemic. So this is your reminder that improving your physical health will help you maintain and improve your mental health as well.

Start with 10 minutes a day.

If you are new to exercise, and still on the fence about it, a great starting place is just committing to 10 minutes a day of physical activity. You could walk, bike, jog, stair climb… pick an activity and JUST START! Choose a pace that works for you, making sure the effort is tolerable, and doesn’t cause you to feel too short of breath. And that’s it. Commit to this 10 minutes a day routine, and begin to notice how you feel. Notice any changes to your mood, your energy, your outlook…. I’m almost certain you’ll start to notice positive changes, and might I say, even look forward to physical activity and have a desire to do more!

While many people do rely on medication for management of mental health such as depression or anxiety, others may lean on drugs and alcohol to cope with stress. The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance has noted in recent research studies that about 40% of Canadians have experienced a decline in their mental health since the pandemic started. The concept of using exercise as a tool to improve our mental health is becoming increasingly important.

Physical activity can help promote good mental health.

Several studies show about a 26% decrease in the odds of becoming depressed for each major increase in physical activity. An example of an increase in physical activity could be replacing 15 minutes of sitting with 15 minutes of running. Or perhaps replacing one hour of sitting with one hour of a moderate activity such as brisk walking. Studies show that running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression. It’s amazing to think that simply making an effort to move more throughout the day, actually improves your mood and reduces feelings of depression!

Through research, we now know that with respect to depression, genes are not destiny. Being physically active has the potential to hinder the added risk of future depressive episodes in individuals who are genetically vulnerable, and on average about an extra 35 minutes of physical activity a day can help protect against these future episodes of depression. Interestingly, both higher intensity forms of activity such as aerobic exercise, dance, and strength machines, and lower intensity forms of activity such as yoga and stretching, are linked to decreased odds of depression. The bottom line is that any kind activity is great activity, and you’ll still reap the benefits of physical movement.

Mental health is more than being happy all the time- it’s about feeling good about who you are, having balance in your life, and managing the highs and lows of life. When we understand and work with our emotions, this helps protect our mental health, during difficult times like the pandemic and throughout all stages of life. And when we understand how we’re feeling, we’re better able to understand and empathize with others too, creating a circle of support and acceptance. I encourage you to share these benefits of being physically active with others that may need it, and be sure to make regular exercise a habit for yourself as well!



Shift Your Mindset For Happiness and Success

Have you been feeling stuck lately? Feeling unmotivated or uninspired? It’s actually perfectly normal to feel this way from time to time. We can’t always function at 100%, have an abundance of enthusiasm, a constant flow of creative ideas, or an unwavering work ethic. When the momentum of the New Year starts to fade and you feel yourself questioning the goals you set out to reach in the first place, that’s when it becomes the most important time to recognize where you are, re-evaluate your mindset, and align your actions so that you can get back on track.

It all comes down to mindset. All of our daily thoughts hold incredible power- what you allow yourself to think, overtime your mind believes, and it then becomes your reality. Think about the concept of visualization or manifesting. Lots of people use this technique to bring about the belief that reaching a certain goal is real and possible. By repeatedly visualizing yourself reaching your dream goal, your mind actually begins to accept the idea and truly believes it. Now, this may sound like an easy way to simply sit back, relax, and manifest your dreams into reality, but there is a catch….You can manifest all you want, but if you aren’t taking action then you’re not going to create those opportunities that will bring you closer to your goal.

And it doesn’t help that we tend to doubt ourselves and our abilities to reach our biggest goals. In fact, our brain doesn’t even want us to be happy. Yes, you read that right. The evolutionary process that helped shape our brains functioned on the basis of survival: Fight, flight, or freeze. The reason why the human race has thrived and evolved this far is because our ancestors had to constantly be on guard for potential threats, on the lookout for danger, and always expecting the potential of harm. Our brain is wired to expect that something might go wrong, and for our ancestors this kind of thinking was protective, as it helped them stay away from potential threatening situations in order to survive.

But we don’t need this kind of negative thinking anymore. There’s no need for us to run away from predators or fight off a bear. Yet, we still tend to carry these negative-thinking mindsets well into this 21st century. Generally speaking, in the present day, the most of a threat we might have is to tackle a stack of unread emails, a public speaking presentation, or a job interview. Some people might associate the above examples with feeling chest tightness, a racing heartbeat, or just an overwhelming feeling of stress. I think it’s important to stop this stress response and threat-seeking mindset by reminding ourselves that, “it is okay! It is just a presentation/ or just an email!”. It will not harm us. Our mindset can get into the way of our success. We need to move out of the freeze response in order to overcome anxiety, fear, and procrastination.

How do you go about doing this?

Get clarity of what you really want. Break up your big, daunting goals into small, achievable tasks. You’ll be able to build confidence by successfully attaining your smaller goals, which promote happiness, making you more likely to stay motivated and finally reach your bigger overarching goal.

Target your anxiety with breath work. Start by closing your eyes, slowing down your breath, breathing into your diaphragm, and notice if you have any tightness in body….are your shoulders tight? Do you have tension in your neck? Are you clenching your jaw? Consciously aim to relax every part of your body, muscle by muscle, starting from the top and working your way down. Taking a few moments out of your day to practice this exercise can really impact your overall wellbeing and reduce feelings of stress. You might also want to experiment and try out other forms of breath work that might work best for you. For instance, taking 10 slow deep breaths when you feel anxious to allow your parasympathetic nervous system to kick in, and promote feelings of relaxation. Or perhaps you’d like to try box breathing, where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold it, then exhale for 5 seconds, and again hold it. After a few minutes of box breathing, just notice how you feel…I’m sure your emotions and anxiety levels will be in a much better place.

Appreciate the fact that our desire to attain success in our lives is often fuelled by either envy or inspiration. Both these feelings are totally fine and normal, and they actually stem from our evolutionary history of surviving. It’s in our human nature to strive for success, and seeing others become successful may trigger the momentum in forming our own path in achieving recognition, purpose, and advancement. If you find your desire to up your goals is fuelled by inspiration, keep using that positive energy to collaborate with others and empower yourself to achieve more. If you find you get jealous of other people’s successes, try to track what is triggering that envy, then recognize your own deeper desires. Understand that everyone has their own strengths and talents, and that you too can bring a unique approach to things. Build your inner confidence, appreciate yourself and others, and focus on incorporating your own unique strengths to push yourself further.

Embody who you want to be. Can you visualize how it will feel like to finally reach your goal? Imagine what your future self had to do in order to achieve that success? What do they act like on a day to day basis? How do they carry themselves? Take some time to think about the above, and then challenge yourself to fully embrace and act on your ideal future by forming daily habits in alignment with your goals. There’s evidence to show that by embodying who you want to be/where you want to be/what goal you want to achieve in the future, you begin to shift your present mindset.

Take breaks from your to-do list. If you do get side tracked or find yourself procrastinating, avoid shaming yourself for it. We all need mental breaks to recharge and rejuvenate. You might find that taking some time away from the busyness of life, perhaps by spending time in nature or removing yourself from technology for a little while, will help you come back to your goals with an improved focus and determination.

In the end, remember that while working to achieve your desires, everything should be in balance. Trust in yourself, in the universe, in God, and realize you are a perfect creation. You are born completely unique, with valuable strengths, talents, and skills. If you combine the power of your mind with physical action, it is quite likely you’ll achieve almost anything you set your mind to. When you have a strong mindset and clear thinking, putting your thoughts into action becomes easy. Aim to move from a place of stagnation to a form of action. Remember that you need to put in the work to get results. So go ahead and take that course, read that book, listen to advice, but also put everything you learn into action so that one day your dreams can become a reality.

27 Practices to Maintain your Wellbeing

A few of the most important ways to maintain good mental and physical health include taking care of yourself and your relationships, being active in your community, spending time in nature, feeling a sense of purpose, along with making time for things you enjoy!

I put together a list of 27 different wellness activities that you can incorporate into a healthy lifestyle below! See which well-being activities you are already including in your life, and choose a few more to add into your routine.

  1. Attend a yoga class. Yoga is a great whole body workout that ties your movement to your breath, providing benefits for mind, body, and soul. With plenty of free options online, along with studios slowly opening up, there are many class options to choose from! The types of classes may vary, for instance, restorative yoga is more relaxing and slow paced while a yoga-strength-flow may be more energizing and challenging.
  2. Dance. Whether its taking a class or simply putting on your favourite song and dancing around the house, dancing is a great aerobic activity that improves your mood, increases feelings of happiness, releases endorphins, and improves your memory as you practice remembering different routines!
  3. Go on a nature walk. Try out a new trail or park, or explore a different part of your neighbourhood. A daily walk is a great way to increase your steps, improve your cardiovascular health, support your joints, and may also slow down memory decline.
  4. Get creative with art. Expressing your creativity through art is a wonderful outlet, whether you prefer to write, draw, paint, sculpt or take part in any other artistic activity. Letting your creativity flow is beneficial in relieving stress, increasing brain plasticity, boosting self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. Making art is truly a therapy.
  5. Spend time with your pet. Studies show that spending quality time with your furry pet by cuddling, playing, or simply being around one other may add years to your life by reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, providing companionship, and keeping you fit.
  6. Try a new recipe. Preparing and eating the same usual things can get too boring after a while. Break your habit and try either a new type of food or a new recipe every once in a while. This encourages mindful awareness as you take in your meal with all your senses, sparks enthusiasm and interest to help sustain your appetite, and allows your body to gather a variety of nutrients from different food sources!
  7. Take a relaxing bath. After a stressful day, what better way to unwind than to relax in a hot bath? Make sure to add some essential oils or epsom salts to help soothe any sore or stiff muscles. Did you know that epsom salts contain magnesium which eases arthritic joint pain and reduces inflammation within the muscles? Lavender essential oils are best known for their calming effects, reducing anxiety, insomnia, and eczema.
  8. Visit a museum. Even if you are stuck at home, did you know you can virtually explore a museum from across the world? Many sites are offering free virtual tours online. Click here and also here for lots of options! Learning about something new every day is a great way to keep your mind sharp and active.
  9. Play a musical instrument. Have you ever heard the saying, “making music makes you smarter?”. Well it’s true! Research shows that regularly playing an instrument encourages neural plasticity in the brain to increase brain cell size and connections for improved cognitive skills. Even regularly listening to classical music provides similar brain benefits.
  10. Be social. As naturally social beings, when we interact with others it benefits our health on both a mental and physical level. Good friendships add happiness and positivity to your life, and create a sense of belonging and purpose. Phone, zoom or message a friend, plan a (socially distanced) outing, or strike up the courage to introduce yourself to someone new.
  11. Read a book. There’s nothing quite like getting lost in a good book. It expands your imagination, opens your mind to new perspectives, and creates new ideas in your reality. Regular reading increases your vocabulary and comprehension skills, and is also a great way to ease stress, reduce your heart rate, and create a state of relaxation and calm.
  12. Meditate. Take some time out of your day to enjoy a few minutes of quiet meditation. Try to focus on your breath, turn your attention away from any thoughts or distractions, and simply be present in your own stillness. Meditation has an incredible impact on your mental health, focus, creativity, stress, sleep, addictions, and pain management. It can also be incorporated into a yoga practice, a nature walk, or with just about anything you do during your day.
  13. Try strength training. While aerobic exercise is great for cardiovascular health, it’s so important to include strength exercises to help build muscle and prevent muscle loss (sarcopenia) that naturally occurs with older age. Join a gym, try a free online class, use weights at home, or be creative and use anything in your house as a weight (ex. soup cans, water bottles, a bag of rice) to create your own strength workout from home.
  14. Sing out loud. Do you ever catch yourself singing in the shower, in the car, or around the house? Turns out singing is actually quite beneficial to your health! Studies suggest it expands your lung capacity, strengthens your immunity, improves your posture, helps you sleep, lowers stress, and is a natural anti-depressant.
  15. Play chess. Known as “the game of kings”, this board game has been played for over 1500 years. Regular practice is excellent for improving memory, your IQ, creativity, problem solving skills, focus, and exercising both sides of the brain at the same time.
  16. Challenge your balance. When we think about physical activity, we often forget about challenging our balance! Especially important during older age, balance training helps prevent falls, reduces the risk of lower-extremity injuries, and improves your body awareness (proprioception). Try standing on one leg, reaching in different directions while on one leg, walking on your toes or heels, or doing the above (safely) with your eyes closed!
  17. Practice kindness. Kindness is teachable and contagious. Whether you do a random act of kindness or see someone else being kind, a cardio-protective hormone called “oxytocin” is released which lowers blood pressure and increases your self-esteem and optimism. Additionally, serotonin is released which increases feelings of happiness, and the stress hormone cortisol is reduced. This goes to show that an act of kindness truly is beneficial for both those on the giving and receiving end.
  18. Drink water. As simple as this sounds, drinking an adequate amount of water each day not only keeps you hydrated, it also increases your focus, energy, alertness, improves digestion, boosts skin health, lubricates your joints, helps maintain blood pressure, and regulates body temperature. Our bodies are made up of 73% water, and our blood is 92% water. Make sure you get your 8 glasses a day!
  19. Get adequate sleep. Our bodies need sleep to restore our energy, repair tissues, and replenish necessary hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. This normally happens in the sleep cycle called “non-REM” sleep, which occurs naturally in our earlier part of our sleep. The longer we wait to go to bed (ex. after midnight), the less “non-REM” sleep we get. Try your best to go to sleep early and get 8 hours if possible.
  20. Add a little sunshine. Getting a few minutes of sun every day helps maintain vitamin D levels in our body and boosts our happiness with a release of endorphins. Specifically sunshine causes the release of the hormone serotonin, which helps improve your mood and helps you stay calm and focused. Some research also suggests sun exposure helps strengthen your immune system, and improves your sleep by regulating your body’s circadian rhythm.
  21. Smile and laugh. Studies suggest that those who smile and laugh more often live longer too! By simply smiling, our brain perceives that we are happy and releases more “happy hormones” that release stress, lowers blood pressure, temporarily reduces levels of pain, and even strengthens our immune system. As a bonus, when you start to smile or laugh, there’s a good chance others will reciprocate and smile or laugh with you! It’s contagious, and a great way to instantly improve your health.
  22. Keep learning. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to learn but never had the chance to? Perhaps you have some extra time now, and should consider taking up something new! Whether you’re interested in a course on history or psychology, learning a new language or even how to knit, learning new information is a great way to keep your mind sharp well into old age. Just about any form of learning creates new neural connections and pathways in the brain.
  23. Disconnect from technology. Many of us spend more time than we should on our computer, phone, TV, and other screens. Although our devices are useful and important for school, work, socializing and relaxing, make sure to take regular breaks away from your screen throughout the day. You’ll likely notice improved sleep, more present-moment awareness, and greater productivity.
  24. Start a gratitude journal. Recognizing and appreciating positive things in your daily life is proven to increase your optimism, improve your self-esteem, reduces your stress, and make you feel happier with your current circumstances. Begin by simply writing down a few things you are grateful for that day and feel free to add as much detail as you’d like. Over time you will have created a great collection of inspirational material that you can look back on and read when you need to feel uplifted.
  25. Practice positive affirmations. Be kind to yourself and change your negative thought patterns into positive ones. Words are powerful. What we repeatedly think in our mind, we believe, and then turn it into reality. Use motivational and positive phrases like “I am capable”, “I am strong”, or “I am enough” to retrain your subconscious mind into truly believing in your abilities and becoming the best version of yourself.
  26. Eat healthy foods. What you eat affects how you feel. In the growing field of nutritional psychiatry, research confirms that when our brain is deprived of good quality nutrition, inflammation and oxidative stress increase. A diet high in refined sugars is especially linked to impaired brain function, including worsening the symptoms of mood disorders like depression. Aim to eat high quality foods that contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to nourish the brain and protect it from oxidative stress.
  27. Get a massage. Not only does it feel great on sore muscles, massage has an effect on the cellular level by reducing inflammation in ways similar to anti-inflammatory medication. Other benefits include reduced pain, stress, anxiety, blood pressure, increased quality of sleep, and improved mood. Massage after exercise is especially beneficial in speeding up muscle recovery associated with strenuous activity, and is an effective aid in recovery after an acute injury.



Natural Remedies to Recharge Your Immune System

Summer is slowly coming to an end, and as much as we don’t want to admit it, the colder weather will be here sooner than we know it. While we will soon be pulling out our cozy sweaters and fall boots, sipping on warm teas and hearty soups, let’s not forget to make sure our bodies are functioning at their best to stay as healthy as possible. Our immune system is fundamental in defending against harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. If you’re looking for natural ways to improve your immune function, I’ve listed 5 immune-boosting herbs below!

1. Echinacea is a popular herb remedy with immune-enhancing properties, and is best known to treat the common cold and flu. Echinacea is also thought to lower your risk of developing the cold, and even shorten the duration of your cold, by increasing your count of white blood cells used to fight infections. With high levels of antioxidants, this herb has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore may also be taken to reduce inflammation in the body that is associated with chronic diseases. Echinacea’s variety of active compounds make it beneficial to use for several health issues including the treatment of pain, migraines, anxiety, and lowering blood sugar levels.

2. Thyme, a common herb that may be found in your garden or spice drawer, is in fact an antibacterial and antimicrobial herb. It is great for treating a cough and sore throat, and may be taken together with Echinacea for treating the common cold or flu symptoms. Thyme also has beneficial properties of supporting digestion, reducing bloating, and providing you with important minerals such as iron and vitamin K.

3. Elderberry extract has been used medicinally for years to fight infections, boost immunity, heal burns, as well as improve complexion. Today it is mainly used for the common cold and flu because of its antioxidant and antiviral properties. You can often find elderberry extract as a tincture, in lozenges, gummies, or capsules.

4. Wild Cherry is used in small amounts to target the lungs and effectively reduce cough, mucus, pneumonia, and other symptoms of the flu. It’s considered a “respiratory relaxant”, as it provides a heating/cooling feeling, similar to the cherry flavours of cough syrup. Its sedative and bronchodilator effects ease the severity and duration of coughing and opens the airways.

5. Propolis, or bee’s glue, is another amazing immune-boosting compound made by bees when they collect the contents of plants. This substance is antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. While it is best known for treating cold and flu-related symptoms (including sore throat and sinus pain), propolis is also used for wound healing, burns, acne, and mouth sores or infections. As the beneficial properties of propolis are becoming more well-known and popular, it may be easily found in capsules, throat lozenges, cosmetics, and dental products.

Note: Please make sure to consult your doctor or naturopath before trying any of the above supplements.

In addition, the key to having a healthy immune system is to ensure you have a healthy lifestyle. Following the recommended physical activity guidelines to exercise regularly, eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing your intake of alcohol, not smoking, getting adequate sleep, minimizing stress, and taking steps to reduce infection (ie. washing hands) will help keep your immune system in its best state.



The Strength in You

Sometimes it’s hard to recognize and observe our strengths at the same level we recognize and observe our weaknesses. Yet, balance is necessary in order for us to fully appreciate our lives.

Perhaps for a long time, our mindset has been accustomed to more easily seeing and judging our own weaknesses. Although we may not have noticed, our strengths have always existed. While this may be a habit we picked up long ago, think of how much clearer our self-perception will be if we shift our vision to see both a positive picture alongside the negative.

Turning inwards to focus on yourself is an important part of understanding positive psychology and the strength that you can embody. When you recognize your strengths, you can then think about ways to enhance and develop them. You can use your positive traits to move yourself into more positive life experiences. Once you see your strengths more clearly, you might also begin to notice other positive changes in your life: for instance, viewing yourself in a positive light, developing self-confidence and self-efficacy. These qualities may thereafter assist in gaining confidence to pursue goals and develop more hope in your life. Perhaps achieving your goals will also lead to greater life satisfaction and provide a positive affect on your daily life! As you can see, simply knowing that you possess your unique strengths may be the key to uncovering your potential in life.

Your strengths are within you, but they can also be shared with and emulated in others. In fact, you may be already sharing your strengths with others in your life without even knowing it. Perhaps people may admire certain qualities about you, and you may inspire or impact their life in some way. We can maximize and grow our individual strengths by turning to people we admire most. Think to yourself, what is their greatest strength? How can I incorporate this into my life? It may be that you admire a certain person’s bravery, courage, or the way they show gratitude and appreciate all the little things in life. Whatever it may be, consider taking it upon yourself to embody this attitude or quality for a while. It’s amazing how setting a goal, being determined, and building a habit can make what once seemed a weakness into one of your greatest strengths.



Positive Mental Health

Mental health is an increasingly important topic in today’s society, especially in relation to practicing and maintaining positive mental health. In recent years, there has been a surge in the abundance of resources and education around positive thinking, mindfulness, and healthy self-care practices. However, did you know that the study of positive mental health has been around since the early 1950’s? Prior to this, the focus of psychology was on mental illnesses and the abnormalities of human behaviour. Now more than ever, researchers and people alike are interested in the positive aspect of psychology and ways we can enhance our mindset and function, while preventing negative outcomes.

In 1955, social psychologist Erich Fromm defined mental health as “the ability to love and create”. During that same time period, Marie Jahoda (1958) who was also a social psychologist, characterized mental health as “the positive condition that is driven by a person’s psychological resources and desires for personal growth”.

Marie describes several characteristics of good mental health:

  1. A healthy attitude towards the self, which includes self-acceptance, self-esteem, and accuracy of self-perception
  2. The pursuit of one’s potentials
  3. Focused drive that is integrated into one’s personality
  4. An identity and values that contribute to a sense of autonomy
  5. World perceptions that are accurate and not distorted because of subjective needs
  6. Mastery of the environment and enjoyment of work, play, and love

Within the topic of mental health are the terms primary and secondary prevention.

Primary prevention is stopping the problem before it happens using preventative, prophylactic measures. For example, making mental health education, resources, and assistance available to the public to reduce the chances of becoming physically unhealthy and psychologically unhappy.

Secondary prevention is lessening or eliminating the problem after it has appeared, taking action to address the issue. It is at this stage that psychotherapy may be used as treatment to regain positive mental health. A great example of a secondary prevention is teaching someone to unlearn negative thoughts and behaviours, while adapting positive ones instead.

Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, explains how to use optimism and attributional retraining as a therapeutic approach. His books on Learned Optimism (1991) and Authentic Happiness (2002) give excellent examples as to how to retrain your thinking:

It starts with teaching people the ABC’s related to the negative events in their lives. A is for the adversity, B is for the belief about the underlying reason of the event, and C is the consequence in terms of your feelings. An additional D can also be used to dispute the previous counterproductive belief with compelling accurate evidence.

For example:

Adversity: Anna’s perception that her friend Rose has been ignoring her.

Belief (of Anna): Rose does not like her because Anna is “no fun”.

Consequence: Anna feels bad about herself.

With positive thinking training, Anna will learn other explanations for Rose’s behaviour that will leave her feeling better about herself.

Disputation: Anna adapts a more optimistic approach by remembering Rose has previously mentioned she has been very stressed with her work and school tasks and that they take up a lot of her time. Anna remembers the last several times they spent together, Rose had mentioned how much fun she had. Having made these more optimistic attributions, Anna is able to feel much better about the situation.

The ABCD strategy can be applied to numerous situations in your daily life and can be a helpful way to retrain your brain to think more positively. Try this out yourself by simply writing out the ABCD’s of an event that happened in your day. Could you benefit from thinking more positively?



Mindfulness for Kids

Mindfulness practice is becoming widely popular among individuals wanting to improve the way they think, approach problems, manage stress, and increase focus and creativity. Through research, it has been shown to improve the outcomes and manageability of various health conditions such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, psoriasis, immune disorders, inflammatory issues, in addition to anxiety, depression, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder. We often use a mindfulness practice to heal, or to correct something that is already out of balance within ourselves or our lives. What if we can use mindfulness as a preventative practice to adapt into a lifestyle in which being mindful comes naturally, and where mindful, positive thinking is an automatic behaviour?

In order for this to happen, I think mindfulness practice should start from the home. When we incorporate healthy living in our everyday personal environment, we set an example for others who share our space with us. Not surprisingly, we set an example for those little ones who look up to us the most- the kids! Even if you don’t have children of your own, I’m sure everyone who has had some interaction with a child knows that kids learn from their environment and will often mimic frequent actions and behaviours of adults. If we as adults adopt a healthy mindset, maintain a positive outlook on life, and practice regular self-care and kindness, think of all these life-skills and healthy behaviours that will beneficially impact your kids as they grow and develop!

With school starting up amidst a pandemic, it is important now more than ever to educate kids about mindfulness practices that can help combat potential stress and anxiety. Children may feel anxiety and internal stress even though they may not express it in the same way adults do, so it’s important to pay attention to any subtle changes and introduce fun, creative activities that allow for moments of self-expression, acceptance, and calm.

There are so many resources on the internet around this topic, but here are a few easy ideas to get you started:

  • The Headspace app has an entire section dedicated to kids filled with guided meditations, breathing exercises, and other activities with themes around calm, focus, kindness, sleep, and waking up. This app has plenty of resources suitable for toddlers to teens and adults as well!
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga has plenty of yoga videos (free and paid) that are fun and educational. They even have ideas for yoga games and printable guided meditations as well. Alo Yoga (on youtube) is also a great resource for kid-suitable yoga videos, each with a different theme of mindfulness such as being brave, positive, focused, present and kind.
  • If your child is able to read and write, try encouraging a daily journal where they can write how they feel, or write about a recent happy experience or memory. Even drawing a picture expressing positive moments from their day or something they are grateful for can be rewarding.
  • Try teaching the 5 breaths method when they are unhappy or upset about something. Before they get too upset, suggest breathing in and out slowly for 5-10 breaths as a way to calm the mind and centre their thoughts and emotions. Parents, this is a great tool to use for your stressful moments too!
  • Practice mindfulness during other daily activities, for example while eating, socializing, and going for a walk. When you do each of these, make sure to set an example of taking in your surroundings, experiencing and appreciating them with all your senses. Avoid multitasking or diverting your attention to unneeded things during this time, like your phone or tablet. Teaching kids to live in the present moment is an essential mindset to carry through as they grow.

I hope these ideas help you get started with creating a positive, mindful environment in your home with your littles.

